miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2014


Good morning bloggers!!
Today I´d like you to write about a country that I would like to visit: India. I believe that India is a country vey interesting and be hard in human term. India has a culture very different a the from rest of world, I would like meet as life the people subdued the system of caste and I would like to visit the "Taj Mahal "and others beauty architectural.
I thing that I would like see the ritual that they make in the river "Ganges" . also taste your food and I dress your clothes.
India is a country very big, you have most of 1240 million of inhabitant (the second country most populated of the world) and about of  twenty eight Estates.
When I visit to of India, I would like I stay of three a six month for get to I meet the most possible.
The best trip are when you dedicate a traverse every places though not be tourist. 
 I believe that to visit India most that a trip is a challenge because when us confront with a culture very different a the ours, I can come of difficult and disagreeable for as is good I be prepare and ready.

lunes, 26 de mayo de 2014

My family

Hello bloggers!!
Today I´m going to talk about my family. Well, first I speak about my maternal grandfather and my maternal grandmother they are very important in my life because always that I need they are. They are the central nucleus of my family.
My mother with my father they are divorced but I have a very well relationship with They. I have two bother an older brother and a younger brother, my older brother he call Diego he has 24 years and my younger brother he call Pablo and he has seven years.
My mother she call Carmen Gloria and my father he called Juan Carlos. I´m most near of the family of my mother because the family of my mother we live in Los Andes. I grew up playing with my cousins and with the years we made bond very strong.
When I travel at Los Andes I feel happy, I go with a renew energy and I believe that is very important have a family  I love and that they a support.
My family is very funny all Sunday they gather a lunch, also we go of vacations at the house of my uncle in Quintero and also we go of camp.
They are very important in my life !!

miércoles, 7 de mayo de 2014

A Holiday !!

Goog morning bloggers!!

Today I´m going to talk about the best holiday of my life. Always I though travel to Patagonia but I managed so quickly. In February of this year my dream came true.
I travelled with two friends and we were one month traveling for the Patagonia.
 We begin the trip in Osorno, after we hitched until Bariloche and we camp in a hippie people called ¨El Bolsón¨ in Argentina¨. To continue ours traveling for Patagonia Argentina we hitched some lorry driver as bring to Esquel ,Trelew, Rio Gallegos between others. We have very good luck because many persons help us.
 one of best like things  of the trip went cross it Estrecho de Magallanes and I become at Tierra del fuego, for me was discover a new world. In Tierra del fuego we visit Ushuaia and Rio Grande . Ushuaia is known as "End of the World" and is really marvellous and magic.
Also we visited Punta Arenas, Puerto Natales and Torres del Paine. We made the circuit of the "W" in the National Park Torres del Paine, went five days very exhausting but I´m loved the landscape because never I seen anything.
Also we visit El Calafate in Argentina and the Perito Moreno glacier. After we return at Chili and we went over  forCarretera Austral (Catedrales de marmol, Coyahique, Chaitén, Futaleifú, Hornopiren and we visit millenary larch and the volcano Chaitén  in the national park Pumalín ).
 The travel was very good because I help I though about my life and appreciate the wonderful of my contry.