lunes, 26 de mayo de 2014

My family

Hello bloggers!!
Today I´m going to talk about my family. Well, first I speak about my maternal grandfather and my maternal grandmother they are very important in my life because always that I need they are. They are the central nucleus of my family.
My mother with my father they are divorced but I have a very well relationship with They. I have two bother an older brother and a younger brother, my older brother he call Diego he has 24 years and my younger brother he call Pablo and he has seven years.
My mother she call Carmen Gloria and my father he called Juan Carlos. I´m most near of the family of my mother because the family of my mother we live in Los Andes. I grew up playing with my cousins and with the years we made bond very strong.
When I travel at Los Andes I feel happy, I go with a renew energy and I believe that is very important have a family  I love and that they a support.
My family is very funny all Sunday they gather a lunch, also we go of vacations at the house of my uncle in Quintero and also we go of camp.
They are very important in my life !!

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