miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2014


Good morning bloggers!!
Today I´d like you to write about a country that I would like to visit: India. I believe that India is a country vey interesting and be hard in human term. India has a culture very different a the from rest of world, I would like meet as life the people subdued the system of caste and I would like to visit the "Taj Mahal "and others beauty architectural.
I thing that I would like see the ritual that they make in the river "Ganges" . also taste your food and I dress your clothes.
India is a country very big, you have most of 1240 million of inhabitant (the second country most populated of the world) and about of  twenty eight Estates.
When I visit to of India, I would like I stay of three a six month for get to I meet the most possible.
The best trip are when you dedicate a traverse every places though not be tourist. 
 I believe that to visit India most that a trip is a challenge because when us confront with a culture very different a the ours, I can come of difficult and disagreeable for as is good I be prepare and ready.

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