miércoles, 4 de junio de 2014

First day at school

Good morning bloggers!!

Today I´m going to talk about my first day at school, I remember that I started go to school when I was 4 years old , I lived in the Serena with my parents and my older brother. My first school its called "Julia de la Barra", I don't liked go to school because I could stay with my mother.
In my first day at school I cried and for that I calmed my mother told my that she remain outside from the school until to school finish. I always through that was true, but when I was most big my mother told my that it was a lie. 
Also I remember that for a function of celebration in the day the mother, I had recite a poetry and I forgot. In others function I dress up of butterfly and with typical dress.

I don't remember that  I learnt on the first day of class but I remember that a experience a slightly terrible.
When I had 5 years we went to live Los Andes with my maternal grandmother and my maternal grandfather, in Kinder garden I started go to other school that called "Liceo Mixto" I was until eighth basic in the same school.
Until second basic I was schoolmate with my cousin and really enjoyed it, my older brother also went to "Liceo Mixto". I remember my teacher of first basic she called Eliana and was my teacher until sixth basic, after my teacher stay pregnant and another teacher came she called Claudia.


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