miércoles, 27 de agosto de 2014

My favourite animals

Hello Bloggers!

Today I will to talk about my favourite animals this Flamingo. This Flamingo is a neognatas bird, is located both in the Eastern Hemisphere and the Western Hemisphere, exist four species in América and two in the old world, Six flamingo species are recognized by most sources, and these are generally placed in one genus. Two species, the Andean and the James's flamingo, are often placed in the genus Phoenicoparrus instead ofPhoenicopterus.The flamingos feed on algae and crustaceans filtering silt, Its beak is perfectly adapted to separating mud and silt from the food.
When I went to Bolivia I did the tour from Uyuni to San Pedro de Atacama and I visist several lake in where flamingos living. I believe that the red lake and stinking lake are the place most beautiful and wonderful I've seen because were the habitat of flamingos.
Flamingos are very social birds; they live in colonies whose population can number in the thousands. These large colonies are believed to serve three purposes for the flamingos: avoiding predators, maximizing food intake, and using scarce suitable nesting sites more efficiently.

I encourage you to know more about flamingos, are fantastic animals!

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