jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2014

why I study geography?

Hello Bloggers!

Today I will to write about why I study geography , I chose geography because is a career very complete. I like as the part social like the part scientific, I believe that both are very important.
Also I like lot travel and in the geography are very important the fields because we need the physical contact with the persons and observe the place.
I dislike about the subject the computational program such as Argis because it seems to me boring and never have I found the tasks.
Still I don´t secure I intend to do once I graduate, although I believe that I like the geography from the tourism because is an area very complete in what regards the mixture between the aspect social and the aspect scientific. Also I believe that the tourism is very funny and relaxing and is very important for the economy and the sustainability of the places.
The true of the things is that I just want to travel and help the persons for the they also can travel without damaging the places.

I don´t know if my dream is possible, but I will do every for accomplish!

Childhoot Friend

Hello Bloggers!

Today I will to talk about a childhood friend I don´t saw anymore. Well I remember lot friends but the that most remember is called Natalia. She was my classmate in the primary school, I remember like a shy and funny person; also remember that she liked a lot the animals and that she was very good at giving advice.
Our friendship lasted about two years because after in the high school us went the different schools and not us we saw anymore.
I believe that the last time I saw was in the street but I said hello! And nothing else.
Now I have like friend in Facebook but not we talking because our lives are very different and the friendship that we had ever again be the same.

But for me what matters most is the memory of a beautiful friendship!

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

Something I´m Proud

Hello Bloggers!

Today I will to talk about I´m proud of. Is very difficult for my speak of something I´m proud of because I feel that still not a single important goal in my life. But I can speak about something small gains such as: join at the university, travel outside from the country, be vegetarian, and run in a marathon, between other things.

I think that one of the thing most difficult in my life has been choose that study because I was not sure of the wanted, also was socially difficult be vegetarian because not everyone stand and I had a lot of explaining.

I believe that all experiences are unique, therefore I´m not sure if relive the experience. In my life I´m constantly putting goals, but I have a problem, I´m very self-criticism therefore very difficult for my feel proud.

Also, I believe that in the life is very important have goals because is satisfactory reach the proposed goals. Never give up, but you should proposed real goal.


domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2014

This is England

Hello bloggers!

Today I'd like I write about a film that I saw in the English class “This is England”. This is England is a English film of the years eighty, the protagonist is a child of twelve years approximately called Shaun.
Shaun is a child that burden with a sadness very deep for the death his father in the war, in the school he offend because is new and because he hasn’t father.
Shaun knows a skinheads gang and he becomes part of his gang. He became in all a skinheads hairless, with boots and violent.
I remember a very hard scene when “Combo” the leader of the gang killing blows a member of other gang because he was nigga, is a heartbreaking and strong scene.
I liked this film because represents a reality very usual in the age, product of the Nazi racist beliefs and all your murderous shit.
Everyone is entitled to be respected regardless of ours race, social class or gender.

I believe that the violence don´t is good of none way!