jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

Something I´m Proud

Hello Bloggers!

Today I will to talk about I´m proud of. Is very difficult for my speak of something I´m proud of because I feel that still not a single important goal in my life. But I can speak about something small gains such as: join at the university, travel outside from the country, be vegetarian, and run in a marathon, between other things.

I think that one of the thing most difficult in my life has been choose that study because I was not sure of the wanted, also was socially difficult be vegetarian because not everyone stand and I had a lot of explaining.

I believe that all experiences are unique, therefore I´m not sure if relive the experience. In my life I´m constantly putting goals, but I have a problem, I´m very self-criticism therefore very difficult for my feel proud.

Also, I believe that in the life is very important have goals because is satisfactory reach the proposed goals. Never give up, but you should proposed real goal.


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