jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

A Movie I'd Like to Watch Again

Hello Bloggers!

Today I will to talk about a Movie I'd Like to Watch Again this movie I liked when were little, I believe that the first movie that saw in the cinema and called “Bichos”. I remember that went the cinema with my brother and my cousin and we laugh of the caterpillar because was similar a classmate of my brother.

Also I´d like to watch again a movie that I marked because a sad movie called "El niño con el pijama a rayas" is a history of child soon of military Nazi, he know a child Jewish and are very friends. The movie is sad because your parents oppose his friendship but still remain friends and after both died in a gas chamber.

Other movies that I´d like to wash again are the sagas of Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings because I feel that are movies that worth again see for the type of production and special effects.
I don't usually watch the same movies again but there is a movie I have seen many times “Titanic".

I should that the romantic movies I like much, I´m corny!. I don´t write about Titanic because is a classic and I guess we all know about it.

“Day after tomorrow” also movie that I have many time because they have passed many times on television and do not know why always saw.

A good Concert!

Hello Bloggers!

Today I will to talk about a concert I went the 12 of October in the Teatro Caupolican. I went see a group called Skatalites, they are a group of old Ska Jamaican. The concert was exhausting because I dancing for a long time with my boyfriend and other friends, also many peoples not pay his entrance for as was a big party.

The group Skatalites is considerate the creator from the Ska and they influenced from the Reggae (my styles of music favorites joined with rock and cumbia). This concert was very good because also present to other group of Ska: Juantxo Skalari, Los Pericos and Desorden Público.

I remember that others goods concerts I went such as: Silvio Rodriguez, Roger Water, Los Jaivas, “El abrazo” where this present Chilean musician and Argentinian musician (Luis Alberto Spinetta, Andrés Calamaro, Fito Paez, Jorge Gonzales, Los Bunkers, Chancho en piedra, Vicentico and many others artist).

I believe that the concerts are the opportunity for see ours favorite artist, although a few expensive.  I like close my eyes and feel the music, actually the music am very important for the life, all we need the music for feel happiness.

Teatro Caupolican is a great place to see live acts, especially if you are in the standing area; I went about of three or four concert in the Teatro Caupolican (The fifty years of Jaivas, Manuel García, Skatalites and others concert that I don´t remember now).

I recommend Skatalites because is a happy group with many rhythm and with experience!

miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014


Hello Bloggers!

Today I'd like write about something I´m reading at the moment. In this moment I am reading the Lobo estepario a book for crazy people from the Aleman writer “Hermann Hesse”. The lobo estepario is a novel and is about a man of fifty years old few sociable, strange, wild and dismal. I started reading the Lobo estepario since very few time, but my boyfriend read the book and I recommended. 
I have many expectations about the book because Hermann Hesse is a great writer, Some years ago I read a book by the same author called “Siddhartha” also I liked so much because is a very spiritual book and help the personal growth.
Also I like the books from the Aleman philosopher “Friedrich Nietzsche”, though this books are denser but say things very true of the life. I like reading because I transported to others dimensions, I like to imagine and feel what the books say because I learn of other experiences.
Since little I liked reading, remember that my mother read me histories and I memorized this histories, I believe that is very good encourage the reading in the children since little for that when grow it easier for them.
Currently there are many writers of all type and for all ages so not reading is ridiculous, though I take this space for say that in Chili is a shame that the taxes of the books are so high. Of that mode is most difficult that reading is promoted.

Reading all is good!

martes, 28 de octubre de 2014

A special talent

Hello Bloggers!
Today I will to talk about a special skill: listening. I´m very good listening the people when they have a problem and give advices.
I believe that in the life is very important know listening and help when someone be badly.
My special skill is useful because I help my friends and my family trust in my. Would never be able of betray my loved ones, the true always have to go for in front.
I don´t know if other people have my skill, but in the world today in day is very difficult find sincere people of the heart.
I don´t know like acquire this skill but I believe that is a skill that every the people have to in consideration.
Since little that I like listening and give advise my friends. I believe that the honesty is a value very important in the life above everything in the human relationship, for my boyfriend is very important my skill because he believe that not every people can be honesty and good for listening.

Maybe I would be a good psychologist, be honest and listen are skill that any people can develop however, not all him appreciate!

A Group Activity

Hello Bloggers!

Today I will to talk about all group activities which I had during my life. Since little I participated in group activities. I remember that the first activity in the that I participated was in a group of dance and cheerleaders. Also I was in a team of basketball and in a team of football and in a group of folklore and a group of theatre, in Chili the persons like I we will called “canapé de huevo”.
At present I play football in the University, my team it called “Comadrejas Sulca” and I participated in the cup FAU, also I participated in the cup Geo but with other team called “Cumbia Nena”. I like much dance because of that  I dance Afro dance with Batucada of the University.
I believe that the group activities are very good for good mood, the mind and be in contact with others people. I practiced group activities since the ten years and I have never bored because I have learned much above all to be tolerant and the respect for other people.
I invited you make a group activities because is very good for the relations humans and for the personal growth!

jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014

Fiestas Patrias

Hello Bloggers!

Today I will to talk about Fiestas Patrias. Normally I celebrate with my family in Los Andes; we go always the day 18 of outing to countryside.

The last year also I go of outing and raised a kite y with my brother we danced Cueca.

I remember that the best Fiestas Patrias was when I was little, because my parents and my uncles organized typical activities for the children. I remember that I liked play the gincana and the musical chair.

When I was eighteen years began vegetarian and the Fiestas Patrias I dislike because is a date in that all persons in Chili eat meat. Now is normally but I began vegetarian was a bit difficult because in my family can’t understand.

I like rayuela, I remember that played in Osorno when was of holidays with my father and my brother. But I have never in the Fiestas Patrias.

My maternal family from the countryside. My great-grandfather and my grandfather in his youth practice rodeo. I don´t sure with Chilean rodeo but I understand and respect the traditions.

I like Fiestas Patrias because is a date in that spends time with family, the persons go most happy, I danced and drink much. In the Fiestas Patrias the Chilean persons remember that all part of same Country and that we have traditions that not should forget  because are part of ours essence.

Hurrah Chili!


jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

Mil tambores carnival

Hello Blogheads! Today I will to talk about the Mil Tambores Carnival
The Mil Tambores Carnival is a Carnival that is performed every year in early October in Valparaíso. Is a spectacular Carnival full of music, colors, dance and happiness.
The first time I went in the years 2011 with my brother and my boyfriend, I remember that this year I painted the body on de beach and we danced to the bead of the drums. Also I went the next year but with friends, was as good as last year although a few most distort.
This years is different for me because this year I'm going to dance with Batucada of the faculty, I believe that is an experience totally different go a as spectator to go as a dancer.
Valparaíso is a beautiful city with history and full of culture and patrimony for as is very important that this carnival it is done in this city.
it's amazing the number of people that come together this carnival including many foreign and people of all Chili. The Mil Tambores Carnival is experience unforgettable, should all attend leastways once in life, I promise that you will not regret! Is better live it.