miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014


Hello Bloggers!

Today I'd like write about something I´m reading at the moment. In this moment I am reading the Lobo estepario a book for crazy people from the Aleman writer “Hermann Hesse”. The lobo estepario is a novel and is about a man of fifty years old few sociable, strange, wild and dismal. I started reading the Lobo estepario since very few time, but my boyfriend read the book and I recommended. 
I have many expectations about the book because Hermann Hesse is a great writer, Some years ago I read a book by the same author called “Siddhartha” also I liked so much because is a very spiritual book and help the personal growth.
Also I like the books from the Aleman philosopher “Friedrich Nietzsche”, though this books are denser but say things very true of the life. I like reading because I transported to others dimensions, I like to imagine and feel what the books say because I learn of other experiences.
Since little I liked reading, remember that my mother read me histories and I memorized this histories, I believe that is very good encourage the reading in the children since little for that when grow it easier for them.
Currently there are many writers of all type and for all ages so not reading is ridiculous, though I take this space for say that in Chili is a shame that the taxes of the books are so high. Of that mode is most difficult that reading is promoted.

Reading all is good!

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