jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2014

why I study geography?

Hello Bloggers!

Today I will to write about why I study geography , I chose geography because is a career very complete. I like as the part social like the part scientific, I believe that both are very important.
Also I like lot travel and in the geography are very important the fields because we need the physical contact with the persons and observe the place.
I dislike about the subject the computational program such as Argis because it seems to me boring and never have I found the tasks.
Still I don´t secure I intend to do once I graduate, although I believe that I like the geography from the tourism because is an area very complete in what regards the mixture between the aspect social and the aspect scientific. Also I believe that the tourism is very funny and relaxing and is very important for the economy and the sustainability of the places.
The true of the things is that I just want to travel and help the persons for the they also can travel without damaging the places.

I don´t know if my dream is possible, but I will do every for accomplish!

Childhoot Friend

Hello Bloggers!

Today I will to talk about a childhood friend I don´t saw anymore. Well I remember lot friends but the that most remember is called Natalia. She was my classmate in the primary school, I remember like a shy and funny person; also remember that she liked a lot the animals and that she was very good at giving advice.
Our friendship lasted about two years because after in the high school us went the different schools and not us we saw anymore.
I believe that the last time I saw was in the street but I said hello! And nothing else.
Now I have like friend in Facebook but not we talking because our lives are very different and the friendship that we had ever again be the same.

But for me what matters most is the memory of a beautiful friendship!

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

Something I´m Proud

Hello Bloggers!

Today I will to talk about I´m proud of. Is very difficult for my speak of something I´m proud of because I feel that still not a single important goal in my life. But I can speak about something small gains such as: join at the university, travel outside from the country, be vegetarian, and run in a marathon, between other things.

I think that one of the thing most difficult in my life has been choose that study because I was not sure of the wanted, also was socially difficult be vegetarian because not everyone stand and I had a lot of explaining.

I believe that all experiences are unique, therefore I´m not sure if relive the experience. In my life I´m constantly putting goals, but I have a problem, I´m very self-criticism therefore very difficult for my feel proud.

Also, I believe that in the life is very important have goals because is satisfactory reach the proposed goals. Never give up, but you should proposed real goal.


domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2014

This is England

Hello bloggers!

Today I'd like I write about a film that I saw in the English class “This is England”. This is England is a English film of the years eighty, the protagonist is a child of twelve years approximately called Shaun.
Shaun is a child that burden with a sadness very deep for the death his father in the war, in the school he offend because is new and because he hasn’t father.
Shaun knows a skinheads gang and he becomes part of his gang. He became in all a skinheads hairless, with boots and violent.
I remember a very hard scene when “Combo” the leader of the gang killing blows a member of other gang because he was nigga, is a heartbreaking and strong scene.
I liked this film because represents a reality very usual in the age, product of the Nazi racist beliefs and all your murderous shit.
Everyone is entitled to be respected regardless of ours race, social class or gender.

I believe that the violence don´t is good of none way!

jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

A Movie I'd Like to Watch Again

Hello Bloggers!

Today I will to talk about a Movie I'd Like to Watch Again this movie I liked when were little, I believe that the first movie that saw in the cinema and called “Bichos”. I remember that went the cinema with my brother and my cousin and we laugh of the caterpillar because was similar a classmate of my brother.

Also I´d like to watch again a movie that I marked because a sad movie called "El niño con el pijama a rayas" is a history of child soon of military Nazi, he know a child Jewish and are very friends. The movie is sad because your parents oppose his friendship but still remain friends and after both died in a gas chamber.

Other movies that I´d like to wash again are the sagas of Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings because I feel that are movies that worth again see for the type of production and special effects.
I don't usually watch the same movies again but there is a movie I have seen many times “Titanic".

I should that the romantic movies I like much, I´m corny!. I don´t write about Titanic because is a classic and I guess we all know about it.

“Day after tomorrow” also movie that I have many time because they have passed many times on television and do not know why always saw.

A good Concert!

Hello Bloggers!

Today I will to talk about a concert I went the 12 of October in the Teatro Caupolican. I went see a group called Skatalites, they are a group of old Ska Jamaican. The concert was exhausting because I dancing for a long time with my boyfriend and other friends, also many peoples not pay his entrance for as was a big party.

The group Skatalites is considerate the creator from the Ska and they influenced from the Reggae (my styles of music favorites joined with rock and cumbia). This concert was very good because also present to other group of Ska: Juantxo Skalari, Los Pericos and Desorden Público.

I remember that others goods concerts I went such as: Silvio Rodriguez, Roger Water, Los Jaivas, “El abrazo” where this present Chilean musician and Argentinian musician (Luis Alberto Spinetta, Andrés Calamaro, Fito Paez, Jorge Gonzales, Los Bunkers, Chancho en piedra, Vicentico and many others artist).

I believe that the concerts are the opportunity for see ours favorite artist, although a few expensive.  I like close my eyes and feel the music, actually the music am very important for the life, all we need the music for feel happiness.

Teatro Caupolican is a great place to see live acts, especially if you are in the standing area; I went about of three or four concert in the Teatro Caupolican (The fifty years of Jaivas, Manuel García, Skatalites and others concert that I don´t remember now).

I recommend Skatalites because is a happy group with many rhythm and with experience!

miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014


Hello Bloggers!

Today I'd like write about something I´m reading at the moment. In this moment I am reading the Lobo estepario a book for crazy people from the Aleman writer “Hermann Hesse”. The lobo estepario is a novel and is about a man of fifty years old few sociable, strange, wild and dismal. I started reading the Lobo estepario since very few time, but my boyfriend read the book and I recommended. 
I have many expectations about the book because Hermann Hesse is a great writer, Some years ago I read a book by the same author called “Siddhartha” also I liked so much because is a very spiritual book and help the personal growth.
Also I like the books from the Aleman philosopher “Friedrich Nietzsche”, though this books are denser but say things very true of the life. I like reading because I transported to others dimensions, I like to imagine and feel what the books say because I learn of other experiences.
Since little I liked reading, remember that my mother read me histories and I memorized this histories, I believe that is very good encourage the reading in the children since little for that when grow it easier for them.
Currently there are many writers of all type and for all ages so not reading is ridiculous, though I take this space for say that in Chili is a shame that the taxes of the books are so high. Of that mode is most difficult that reading is promoted.

Reading all is good!

martes, 28 de octubre de 2014

A special talent

Hello Bloggers!
Today I will to talk about a special skill: listening. I´m very good listening the people when they have a problem and give advices.
I believe that in the life is very important know listening and help when someone be badly.
My special skill is useful because I help my friends and my family trust in my. Would never be able of betray my loved ones, the true always have to go for in front.
I don´t know if other people have my skill, but in the world today in day is very difficult find sincere people of the heart.
I don´t know like acquire this skill but I believe that is a skill that every the people have to in consideration.
Since little that I like listening and give advise my friends. I believe that the honesty is a value very important in the life above everything in the human relationship, for my boyfriend is very important my skill because he believe that not every people can be honesty and good for listening.

Maybe I would be a good psychologist, be honest and listen are skill that any people can develop however, not all him appreciate!

A Group Activity

Hello Bloggers!

Today I will to talk about all group activities which I had during my life. Since little I participated in group activities. I remember that the first activity in the that I participated was in a group of dance and cheerleaders. Also I was in a team of basketball and in a team of football and in a group of folklore and a group of theatre, in Chili the persons like I we will called “canapé de huevo”.
At present I play football in the University, my team it called “Comadrejas Sulca” and I participated in the cup FAU, also I participated in the cup Geo but with other team called “Cumbia Nena”. I like much dance because of that  I dance Afro dance with Batucada of the University.
I believe that the group activities are very good for good mood, the mind and be in contact with others people. I practiced group activities since the ten years and I have never bored because I have learned much above all to be tolerant and the respect for other people.
I invited you make a group activities because is very good for the relations humans and for the personal growth!

jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014

Fiestas Patrias

Hello Bloggers!

Today I will to talk about Fiestas Patrias. Normally I celebrate with my family in Los Andes; we go always the day 18 of outing to countryside.

The last year also I go of outing and raised a kite y with my brother we danced Cueca.

I remember that the best Fiestas Patrias was when I was little, because my parents and my uncles organized typical activities for the children. I remember that I liked play the gincana and the musical chair.

When I was eighteen years began vegetarian and the Fiestas Patrias I dislike because is a date in that all persons in Chili eat meat. Now is normally but I began vegetarian was a bit difficult because in my family can’t understand.

I like rayuela, I remember that played in Osorno when was of holidays with my father and my brother. But I have never in the Fiestas Patrias.

My maternal family from the countryside. My great-grandfather and my grandfather in his youth practice rodeo. I don´t sure with Chilean rodeo but I understand and respect the traditions.

I like Fiestas Patrias because is a date in that spends time with family, the persons go most happy, I danced and drink much. In the Fiestas Patrias the Chilean persons remember that all part of same Country and that we have traditions that not should forget  because are part of ours essence.

Hurrah Chili!


jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

Mil tambores carnival

Hello Blogheads! Today I will to talk about the Mil Tambores Carnival
The Mil Tambores Carnival is a Carnival that is performed every year in early October in Valparaíso. Is a spectacular Carnival full of music, colors, dance and happiness.
The first time I went in the years 2011 with my brother and my boyfriend, I remember that this year I painted the body on de beach and we danced to the bead of the drums. Also I went the next year but with friends, was as good as last year although a few most distort.
This years is different for me because this year I'm going to dance with Batucada of the faculty, I believe that is an experience totally different go a as spectator to go as a dancer.
Valparaíso is a beautiful city with history and full of culture and patrimony for as is very important that this carnival it is done in this city.
it's amazing the number of people that come together this carnival including many foreign and people of all Chili. The Mil Tambores Carnival is experience unforgettable, should all attend leastways once in life, I promise that you will not regret! Is better live it.

jueves, 28 de agosto de 2014

A special Place in Santiago

Good morning Bloggers!

Today I will to talk about my favourite place in Santiago. I´m going to write about Barrio Lastarria.
I thought never that exist a different place in the centre of the city, the Barrio Lastarria is like oasis in middle of the city.
The Barrio Lastarria be located very near the University but I don´t knew until that a day a friend I invite me and since then I go with my boy friend and classmates of the University.
In this place be much restaurants, a art cinema, a ice- cream shop its called "Emporio la Rosa"(the ice cream are delicious), a small shop of waffles and a small promenade where various persons sell book, clothes and antique thing.
I like Barrio Lastarria because be near from the Parque Forestal and has a wonderful architecture. Also I like  because is a place multicultural always go tourist and persons of all class.
In this special Places often be musician and artist.
I invite that you know this Places, really you feeling that is a Oasis in middle of the City and you don´t repent.

Always is good go for a walk for the City !

miércoles, 27 de agosto de 2014

My favourite animals

Hello Bloggers!

Today I will to talk about my favourite animals this Flamingo. This Flamingo is a neognatas bird, is located both in the Eastern Hemisphere and the Western Hemisphere, exist four species in América and two in the old world, Six flamingo species are recognized by most sources, and these are generally placed in one genus. Two species, the Andean and the James's flamingo, are often placed in the genus Phoenicoparrus instead ofPhoenicopterus.The flamingos feed on algae and crustaceans filtering silt, Its beak is perfectly adapted to separating mud and silt from the food.
When I went to Bolivia I did the tour from Uyuni to San Pedro de Atacama and I visist several lake in where flamingos living. I believe that the red lake and stinking lake are the place most beautiful and wonderful I've seen because were the habitat of flamingos.
Flamingos are very social birds; they live in colonies whose population can number in the thousands. These large colonies are believed to serve three purposes for the flamingos: avoiding predators, maximizing food intake, and using scarce suitable nesting sites more efficiently.

I encourage you to know more about flamingos, are fantastic animals!

jueves, 14 de agosto de 2014


Hello bloggers!

Today I will to talk about family meal. My mother's family is very united every Sundays we gather lunch in different houses. My uncle is the manger of go to buy the things for the lunch and between all we cooking.
I feel that is a tradition have a family get together, also we gather in special occasions such as: birthdays, new years, Christmas, eighteen of September, holidays and any celebrations during the years.
Have a family get together is very enjoy because always us laugh and we eat many delicious food and we drunk beer or wine.
With my family every occasion is special, not we need a special occasion for we gather and celebrate. I can´t go always but when I trip Los andes I enjoyed to the max a my family.
In the summer all they coordinate for go to beach, my smaller brother with my smaller cousins are the most happy. Also when I was little play with my cousins and I have very good memories.
My family is very important in my life, I love my family!

jueves, 31 de julio de 2014

Winter break

Hello bloggers!!

Today I will to talk about my winter break. The first week of holidays I went to Quintero with my family (my brother, uncles, cousins, grandfather and grandmother) and my boyfriend.
Was one week very relaxing and enjoyable. My brother with my uncle they went to beach and practice surf and with my cousin walked along the beach. At night we made blaze on the balcony and we listen to music watching the sea.
Also I went to Viña del mar the department of my cousin and we went to the cinema.
In the second week of the winter break I was in Los andes in the house where I grew up.
In my winter break I rested and shared with my family, although I prefer summer break the winter break always are good to rest and be with family.

miércoles, 18 de junio de 2014

The last blog

Hello bloggers !!

Today I´m going to talk about my experience writing in the blog, I think that enjoyed writing on the blog because was a new experience for my and I remember many moment of my life that believed forgotten.
What I liked more of writing in the blog was can express my feeling and relate my history in other language and I disliked the limit of words because someone time not had nothing most that write.
I enjoyed writing about my Holiday and my friend and I dislike writing about first day at school because was many thing that not remembered.
 Write in the blog helped my to organize the ideas in my mint and think properly about my way of confront the English. The blog is a method very effective for learn the way of think in English or for practice the order of the words in the sentence.
I don't know writing in my blog helped to improved my English but I believe that was a very good support tool for my. I recommend has a blog because is very funny read write what your friend and comment your history.

Luck in your future!!

miércoles, 11 de junio de 2014

My father

Hello Bloggers!!

Today I´m going to talk about my father "Juan Carlos" , I choose write about he because is a of the persons that most I teach in my life.
Never I seen my father angry or pessimistic for something, he I teach that in the life be the time you have to live and no I complicate the existence.
He is a man very dedicated and has nine brother, when was little  your family were poor but sill this he could rise from.
He is a persons very calm, he like the folkloric music and play to guitar. When I was most little he participated in a group called "Yacuni" and always we went a see with my mother and my brother.
The only time that I saw sad was when he separated of my mother but managed rime from to advance, even he re-married.
My father also is a very good cook, always I visited he wait for with exquisite food. Although no us we see much I know he's there for my.
My father is a example for my, never I fail for that I love much and I wait keep ours relationship of son and father and ours relationship of friends.


miércoles, 4 de junio de 2014

First day at school

Good morning bloggers!!

Today I´m going to talk about my first day at school, I remember that I started go to school when I was 4 years old , I lived in the Serena with my parents and my older brother. My first school its called "Julia de la Barra", I don't liked go to school because I could stay with my mother.
In my first day at school I cried and for that I calmed my mother told my that she remain outside from the school until to school finish. I always through that was true, but when I was most big my mother told my that it was a lie. 
Also I remember that for a function of celebration in the day the mother, I had recite a poetry and I forgot. In others function I dress up of butterfly and with typical dress.

I don't remember that  I learnt on the first day of class but I remember that a experience a slightly terrible.
When I had 5 years we went to live Los Andes with my maternal grandmother and my maternal grandfather, in Kinder garden I started go to other school that called "Liceo Mixto" I was until eighth basic in the same school.
Until second basic I was schoolmate with my cousin and really enjoyed it, my older brother also went to "Liceo Mixto". I remember my teacher of first basic she called Eliana and was my teacher until sixth basic, after my teacher stay pregnant and another teacher came she called Claudia.


miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2014


Good morning bloggers!!
Today I´d like you to write about a country that I would like to visit: India. I believe that India is a country vey interesting and be hard in human term. India has a culture very different a the from rest of world, I would like meet as life the people subdued the system of caste and I would like to visit the "Taj Mahal "and others beauty architectural.
I thing that I would like see the ritual that they make in the river "Ganges" . also taste your food and I dress your clothes.
India is a country very big, you have most of 1240 million of inhabitant (the second country most populated of the world) and about of  twenty eight Estates.
When I visit to of India, I would like I stay of three a six month for get to I meet the most possible.
The best trip are when you dedicate a traverse every places though not be tourist. 
 I believe that to visit India most that a trip is a challenge because when us confront with a culture very different a the ours, I can come of difficult and disagreeable for as is good I be prepare and ready.

lunes, 26 de mayo de 2014

My family

Hello bloggers!!
Today I´m going to talk about my family. Well, first I speak about my maternal grandfather and my maternal grandmother they are very important in my life because always that I need they are. They are the central nucleus of my family.
My mother with my father they are divorced but I have a very well relationship with They. I have two bother an older brother and a younger brother, my older brother he call Diego he has 24 years and my younger brother he call Pablo and he has seven years.
My mother she call Carmen Gloria and my father he called Juan Carlos. I´m most near of the family of my mother because the family of my mother we live in Los Andes. I grew up playing with my cousins and with the years we made bond very strong.
When I travel at Los Andes I feel happy, I go with a renew energy and I believe that is very important have a family  I love and that they a support.
My family is very funny all Sunday they gather a lunch, also we go of vacations at the house of my uncle in Quintero and also we go of camp.
They are very important in my life !!

miércoles, 7 de mayo de 2014

A Holiday !!

Goog morning bloggers!!

Today I´m going to talk about the best holiday of my life. Always I though travel to Patagonia but I managed so quickly. In February of this year my dream came true.
I travelled with two friends and we were one month traveling for the Patagonia.
 We begin the trip in Osorno, after we hitched until Bariloche and we camp in a hippie people called ¨El Bolsón¨ in Argentina¨. To continue ours traveling for Patagonia Argentina we hitched some lorry driver as bring to Esquel ,Trelew, Rio Gallegos between others. We have very good luck because many persons help us.
 one of best like things  of the trip went cross it Estrecho de Magallanes and I become at Tierra del fuego, for me was discover a new world. In Tierra del fuego we visit Ushuaia and Rio Grande . Ushuaia is known as "End of the World" and is really marvellous and magic.
Also we visited Punta Arenas, Puerto Natales and Torres del Paine. We made the circuit of the "W" in the National Park Torres del Paine, went five days very exhausting but I´m loved the landscape because never I seen anything.
Also we visit El Calafate in Argentina and the Perito Moreno glacier. After we return at Chili and we went over  forCarretera Austral (Catedrales de marmol, Coyahique, Chaitén, Futaleifú, Hornopiren and we visit millenary larch and the volcano Chaitén  in the national park Pumalín ).
 The travel was very good because I help I though about my life and appreciate the wonderful of my contry.

miércoles, 23 de abril de 2014

A song!!

Hi bloggers!!
Today I´m going to write about a song that I like much because when I listen to those song I feel very happy.
The song it´s called Uma brasileira and is explain for a Brazilian group called Os Paralamas do Sucesso and its video clip is of the 1995.The first time I heard the song was in the 2011, my boyfriend  advise listen to the song and I loved!
The reggae is a style very relaxing and always hear that I am very happy.
The music is very important in my life because transports me to other dimensions, listen to music when I felt happy, sad, angry ... I believe that in all times.
Also I like the rock argentinian and the folcklore. My father is musician so that from little I grew with the music.
I think without music life would be very boring!!
Also I attch others songs that I loved listening

miércoles, 16 de abril de 2014

A Beach

Good morning bloggers!!

From that I was girl always I liked swimming in the beach, with my family always we become to Ritoque that they was located in the city called Quintero, in the region of Valparaíso Chili.
My uncle has one house with view to sea and he always invites us for the public holiday and vacations.
Ritoque is one beach of white sands and much waves, my brother with my uncle practice surf in the beach. I go to swimming and also I liked walking, sometimes we plays volleyball and card with my cousins
I like go to beach because is one moment of calm and of  share with the family.
In the summer go to many people to Ritoque beach and very difficult I find parking. We couldn't go to walking because is very far of the house.
I remember one moment in the that I has fun, when I drove one four - wheeled bike for the beach, other memories that I has in my mint is when my grand mother carry bread with marmalade for eat .

I recommend to visit Ritoque because is one beautiful beach and is perfect for share wich family and friends!!

miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014

A funny series

Good morning bloggers!!

Today I´d like to write about a broadcast that I saw some years ago.
When I was girl I disliked television, but in the adolescence I liked a series named ´Malcolm in the middle´.
The series its was very but very funny, with my older brother us laughed much watching the television. The series be about a child called Malcolm, he had a disastrous family that they was compound for his parent and for his four brothers.
Malcolm was a  genius child, he was in a class for children very intelligent. He felt that every bad thing he happened.
The older brother of Malcolm he called Francis and he was very crazy, her mother had that send the military service in order to let someone be. His second brother he called Reese, he was stupid and funny and his little brother he called Dewey and he was very naughty and years later was born a baby he called Jamie.
The series ran from 2000 until 2006 after of  seven season.
I liked of series because I laughed much when I saw television.

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

A good memory

Hi bloggers!!

Today I'm going to talk about a photograph I like. It was taken to in 2011 when I had eighteen years, I like because I remember a beautiful moment of my life. I liked always the dreadlock but when I was in the school don´t was permited it use of dreadlock because they thinking that it was very messy.
The photo was taken by my cousin, he like much take photo because he studied movie.
When I was taken the photograph I was in Quintero with my family we were in  saint week.
 I like the photograph for various reasons. First of all, the photo is natural, the photo captured moments that never come back, the memory is fragile for that is very easy they forgotten moments of ours lives and for last each moments is only.

Therefore is very important we capture the moments !!!

miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014

An expected concert !!

Hi bloggers!!
Today I´m going to talk about of my favourite concert. Went to in 2010 when I has 16 years. It was called
¨ El abrazo¨ and playing Chilean and Argentinian musician.
The concert went in the O'Higgins park and the idea was represented the twinning between Chilean and Argentinian.
I Remember that I went whith my boy friend and his friend. The concert started at midday and that they began playing ´´the Bunkers´´, not I remember the order of the groups but I really liked the concert because playing a lot excellents groups.
I think that the Argentinian rock is very good, my favourites musicians are Luis Alberto Spinetta, Fito Paez and Charly Garcia. Also I like some Chileans musics such as: Jorge Gonzales, the Jaivas and  the Chancho en piedra.
I disliked of the concert went that in the end, because went very difficult come out of the park and take the bus. We were a lots of people went impressive!
In the life we have very little chances of we meet to various of ours favourites artist all in the same concert.

so it was an unforgettable concert!!

miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014

A Friend

Good morning bloggers!
Today I´m going to write about a friend. The person I´m going to the tell you about is Alma. I first met her in to 2010 when she came to Chile to visited your family.
Alma is cousin of my boy friend, she live in Sweden but we speak always by chat .
Alma has twenty years old ,She study social work to Malmö (a city to south of Sweden) ; her father is Chilean and her mother is Finnish, she speak four language: Spanish, English, Finnish and Swedish.
She likes to travel,  she travelled to India in to 2011 and  in the secundary she studied in Norway. Also she likes a lot to dancing and she is vegetarian.
The last time she came to Chile was during the last summer, we had fun very much because we went  to drink ¨terremoto¨ in to Piojera, also we went celebrate the new years to Valparaíso and we went camping to Cajon del maipo.
she will coming next summer and I hope with a placer that day .